Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Name: raytron troy
Term: 2
I. Selecting a Career: To help you determine what are the most important considerations for you in selecting a career, please rank the following in their order of importance to you, with "1" being the most important.
__3 Recognition ___4 Personal Fulfillment
___1 Money ___ 5Service to People/Community
___2 Enjoyment ___ Other__________________
II. Career Interests: What careers interest you? List them in the space below.
Cab driver
Truck driver
III. Academic Goal: Answer the questions below to get you thinking about your academic goal.
What is your academic goal?
To succeed in everything I do
How will you achieve this goal?
Do my best
When will you achieve this goal?
For the rest of my life
What are your obstacles in achieving this goal?
Stupid people
How can you overcome these obstacles?
Do mix in with them

IV. Career Goal: Answer the questions below to get you thinking about your career goal.
What is your career goal? To make a lot of money
What will you need to do to achieve this goal? Education
What plan do you have to achieve this goal? Go to tech school
When do you want do be working in this career? Now
Where do you want to work with this career? Florida

V. Training after the PLC: Answer the questions below to get you thinking about your training after the PLC.
How far do you intend to go in your educational training and (2-year technical college, 4-year College, or military)? 2-year technical college

Where would you like to go to get your educational training? (name the university, college, tech school, military base, etc).ITT tech

VI. Work Environment:
What kind of work environment would you prefer? (outdoors or indoors, alone or with others, office, factory, etc) Factory

VII. Strengths and Challenges:
What strengths do you have to accomplish these goals? My state of mind
What challenges do you have to accomplish these goals? friends

VIII: Your Dreams: Discuss your "Dreams" with your parents, teachers, adviser, and counselor, and begin to take courses and make choices that relate to reaching your dreams.

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